What if dating was easy, effortless, and fun - and you actually met men who are relationship material?
Get the secrets of attracting the right kind of man for you without spending all your time and energy swiping, pen-pal texting, and going out with men who will never be the one.
The truth is…
Most strong women women have a happy life, great career, hobbies, friends and family to be with.
But there is a problem.
Finding their person seems to be impossible. They get stuck in that talking stage going back to square one over and over again because:
Most men keep friendly small talk but never take the initiative to ask them out.
The men who do so, fizzle out after a few dates.
If you’ve ever been ghosted, friend-zoned or heard stories how he is so busy, not ready yet etc. etc. you know what I am talking about.
Finding a good man who is looking for a relationship as well feels like mission impossible.
With this experience, we either get disappointed and angry with men and blame them for not having a happy relationship, OR we get hard on ourselves and pull out questions like:
"Why not me? What is wrong with me? Is it my looks? Maybe I don't know how to talk to men? Maybe I am too shy? Or, maybe I am too successful?!"
Let us face the reality:
If we don't change the way we approach men and dating, chances are we will keep getting the same results no matter how hard we are trying.
We do meet men swiping online & socialising with friends and colleagues, but it doesn't quite work out.
They either don't take the initiative to ask you out, or you both are looking for different things, or maybe you just don't find the ones who pursue you attractive.
Following experts on the internet and reading books for self development gives amazing insights.
But when when it comes to putting the advice into practice it doesn't work as promised by the experts.
We pretend everything is okay (to avoid the label of "She is single"), but stuffing down the loneliness gets more challenging every day.
I know how tiring and frustrating it can feel to be stuck in the same place for years and starting over and over again from scratch with a new date.
And, if this is you too, I want you to know: it is not your fault. I know you’ve been giving your best.
We don't get to learn how to build a romantic relationship neither at school nor at home.
And all that free advice online is giving us just little puzzle pieces, but doesn’t help us getting a steady relationship.
I can help you break the cycle of starting over and over again from scratch because
A modern, successful and independent woman CAN have the relationship she wants.
YOU TOO can have a relationship with someone special who makes you feel loved and adored, taken care of and secure every day.

Receiving many messages every day from new men so you can choose which ones to answer.
That handsome stranger is starting a chat with you and getting your number at the coffee shop queue - without you doing anything in particular.
How easy and natural talking and texting with new men can feel like.
Having a diary fully booked with interesting guys for a coffee or a walk.

Having a steady relationship can be the most simple thing in the world for you.
That’s why I created Talking Stage Mastery for single women looking for love and a long-lasting, steady relationship, just like you, who are tired of not being able to attract the right man, and who are done with investing their time and energy in the wrong ones.
A bundle of my best and easy to apply tools for women looking for love who want to learn a new & efficient way of attracting love without spending hours and hours on swiping and texting with the wrong men.
"I regained control over a thing that I never had control over, men and relationships! With these feminine tips that you gave me, I learned how to attract men."
— Jessica
So you get to be simply you, feel good in your skin AND be able to attract men effortlessly.
So you can keep your busy schedule AND have enough opportunities to find your soulmate.
So you don't feel sick and tired of being single anymore.
So you effortlessly attract someone special who makes you feel loved, adored, safe and secure.
And so that meeting that amazing guy develops quickly into a relationship.
You tried socialising with friends and colleagues and swiping left and right online but had no luck.
Somehow you are getting mostly “Write me first”, “I am not so sure”, “I am very busy”, “Let us be friends (with benefits)”, narcissists, mommy boys or drama queens.
You have been following experts on the internet and reading self-help books. And while that advice seems helpful, you still have nobody special in your life.
Diving into work and career doesn’t seem to help because you still come back to a silent and empty home and go to bed all alone.
Pretending everything is okay, even without a man in your life, is not soothing the loneliness inside. It just doesn't work because cutting off the connection with ourselves pulls up a wall between the men around us and us.
I get how it feels because I’ve been there.
For a long time, I struggled with finding someone special to build a life with.
I was diving into work and pretending I was not interested in a relationship. Working extra hours and filling up my schedule for the weekends was my way to avoid feeling lonely.
Watching friends and colleagues finding a partner, moving in, getting engaged and married, stroking baby bums made me feel bad and raised those yucky voices:
“Why not me? What is wrong with me?”
“Is it my looks? Maybe I don’t know how to talk to men? Maybe I am too shy? Or, maybe I am too successful?!”
I tried socialising, but the men around were either not “looking for more” or staying in that flirty, friendly zone. Nobody was asking me out.
I tried going online, but the conversations were mainly going nowhere with little outlook for anything real.
And, I was following coaches and experts on the internet. Their advice made total sense, but somehow I could not put anything into practice and see a result.
I discovered a brand new way to attract the right man and have the relationship I wanted without having to worry where I should find him, and without spending tons of time swiping and pen-pal texting or going out with the wrong men.
Once I figured out how to attract the right men for a long term, steady relationship, my life changed forever.
I was able to manifest my future husband and have a relationship where I felt loved and adored, safe and secure with him.
And, it took me just 4 weeks of swiping online to meet him.
I can help you attract the right man.
Talking Stage Mastery helps you attract the right type of men in the early dating stage:
From the first moment a man sees you (live or your profile online)
Over the make it or break it first conversations
To asking you out for a first coffee or a walk together
UNLIKE other dating and self-help books or courses on the market, it gives you a new and unique combination of done-for-you and easy to apply tools and simple but powerful inner work formulas.
And, it saves you tons of time in your everyday life.
“I´ve got tons of valuable tips and step-by-step instructions on how to talk to men. And… I´ve got results already after just a week! This weekend I am having coffee with a new man! I recommend it to everyone! For just a small fee, you can get information that has the potential to change your life!”
— Elena
Part 1: Irresistible Attraction Guidelines
We will dive into:
✓ Starting to attract more and higher quality men.
✓ Making dating easy & fun.
✓ Calling-in your Mr Right.
Part 2: Smart Dating Method
Let me show how to organise the process of attracting love in a new and efficient way.
We will dive into:
✓ Your monthly, weekly, and daily planning to save tons of time and a massive amount of your energy.
✓ Dating smarter and not harder, so you don't burn out in the process and delete all the apps.
✓ Having time for yourself while attracting many men to choose from.
Part 3: Magnetising Scripts Black Book
Get my secret scripts on what to say every step of the way, from the very first contact to arranging your first date together so that:
✓ More men to ask you out.
✓ You start getting invitations quicker and easier (Say no more "Pen Pals").
✓ You feel at ease before your first date.
“I am noticing a change in the way the men behave with me. And I am way more relaxed about a first coffee with a man. The last time the waitress brought the bill, he immediately grabbed the bill and said he would like to settle it. I couldn’t believe my eyes!”
— Nevena
Bonus 1: Man-Mirror Journal
Get my secret self-improvement method, so you can:
✓ Navigate the getting to know each other stage easily and wisely.
✓ Find your soul-aligned partner faster.
✓ Become the best version of yourself.
Bonus 2: Time efficiency cheat sheet
20 little known ways for busy girls for combining your everyday life and getting to know a man without making extra time in your schedule for him.
Bonus 3: Self-love navigator
100 ways to enjoy your own company, find your true worth and never feel bad if a man is not calling or cancelling at the last minute.
“I´ve been swiping online for a good while now, and I´ve been disappointed so often that I was a little sceptical about how it can be possible to have a positive experience with men there. However, after going through Talking Stage Mastery, I realised it was not the men who were terrible. It was me who was not communicating in a good way. Juliana´s method is super simple and easy to apply. I am very thankful for those insights and the new way of speaking with men I learned.”
— Inna
Value: $77
Value: $77
Value: $187
Value: $37
Value: $37
Value: $35
Total Value: $ 450
This is a limited time offer and will be going up in price soon. You don’t want to miss this opportunity.
“For the first time in my life I feel like I am standing for myself. And this feels good. I feel my bravery is groing in tiny steps every day.”
— Veronika

>> I don't just teach others how to shift their energy and words to manifest their dream relationship; I actually did it. I use this EXACT method for myself and my clients to help them attract someone special and develop that initial spark into a long-lasting relationship.
I am NOT just repeating what every other expert says.
>> I'm not JUST a love coach and spiritual mentor. I've been alone or in bad relationships until I turned 35. I GET IT.
>> I've helped clients leave the loneliness behind and get to their Happy Ever After FAST. And, I´ve helped clients transform an unclear “situationship” into a “let's move-in together” talk.
>> Having worked with women in four languages and 14+ countries internationally, I know, my method works everywhere.
"I realised I wanted to break the cycle and get my ‘happy ever after’. I no longer have those moments of deep despair I used to have, and I am not ‘leaving the field!”
“I am getting support to become better in feeling, being more a woman than a machine, having less stress on my performance with men, and having less judgment on myself.”
Hi, I’m Juliana
I am an accredited love coach, spiritual mentor & energy healer, soon to be a mom of two boys and a former corporate senior manager.
And, I am a woman, just like you, searching for answers, reflecting on myself and constantly looking to improve my love life and my relationship.
After spending over 15 years alone or in bad relationships, I learned how frustrating it can feel meeting men but not being able to settle down.
Over time, I've learned how to attract the right men who were looking for a happy and steady long term relationship as I was.
It feels exciting to help you do the same. I want to share my secrets with you that includes everything that has worked in my own life and was working for my 1-1 clients.
Just know that whatever you want is within your reach right now…
I can help you have have an easy, effortless, and fun time dating, and actually meeting men who are relationship material.
“I feel so encouraged and supported. The transformation for me is quite astonishing, timely and long overdue.”
"Juliana is a naturally talented and skilled coach. She has a raw and powerful intuition which allows her to see right to the core of what’s happening. This, balanced with Juliana’s warmth and softness, gets amazing and long reaching results. I can’t recommend Juliana highly enough."
✔ ️ Willing to invest 15 minutes a day consistently into transforming your love life.
✔ ️ Ready to do the inner and outer work to shift your energy and attract the man of your dreams. (P.S. Don't worry, I´ll be holding your hand and guiding you on your way.)
✔ ️ Willing to trust the process and let me guide you.
✔ ️Not ready to put into practice the scripts and tools I´ll be sharing with you.
✔ ️Unwilling to try out a new approach and prefer to stay where you are right now.
✔ ️Deadset on pretending “everything is okay” and shutting your inner calling for a change.
✔ ️Tied to follow online experts’ free content, even though you sense this is just the tip of the iceberg.
I’m a woman looking for happiness just like you. I understand the risk you feel when deciding to invest in a digital product. You work hard for your money and don’t want to waste it on something that doesn’t get results.
I’m extremely proud of the products I create and I know anyone who buys them and implements will be thrilled with their purchase.
That’s why I’m offering a 30-day money back guarantee. While I can’t guarantee that this product will get you a relationship, I can guarantee your satisfaction with its quality.
Of course, If you’re not happy with the product, I will refund your money within 30 days of your purchase.
What’s standing in the way of you finally starting to attract good men looking for the same as you - a happy and steady long-term relationship and feeling at ease instead of tired from talking to the wrong men?
I know how hard it can be to attract a great guy and how many things can go wrong after meeting him.
That's why I bundled my best and easy to apply tools into to make it easy for you to attract the right type of men in the early stages of getting to know each other.
When you click the "YES! I WANT TALKING STAGE MASTERY NOW" button below, you’ll be brought to a checkout page where you can enter your payment information.
This is a limited time offer and will be going up in price soon. You don’t want to miss this opportunity.
What if nothing changes for me?
Talking Stage Mastery was created so that you don’t have to invest too much of your time, energy and effort into the never-ending swiping, small talk and seeing men that would eventually fizzle out or will never become ready for more. I will show you exactly how to start attracting higher quality men, feel at ease and save a massive amount of your time and energy in the process so that you can attract your Mr. Right.
When do I get access?
You will receive an email immediately after purchase with a download link to all materials. If for some reason you don't review it, check your spam folder or contact me at love.julianajoy@gmail.com.
What if I can't do it on my own?
I understand how it feels like to want something badly and not being sure if it will ever happen. This is why I offer 1-1 and group coaching, where I help my clients transition throughout this uncertain stage. If you feel you need my supporting shoulder, contact me anytime at love.julianajoy@gmail.com for more information.
What if I decide this isn't for me?
I stand by my 100% money-back guarantee within 30 days of purchase. No worries.