Your Superpowers:

Spiritual, intuitive, and connected to the source.

You have a unique ability to sense and harness the energy around you.

You’re deeply connected to your spiritual side and believe in the power of energy and manifestation.

Your intuition is a guiding force in your life, and you trust the universe to lead you to what’s meant for you.

What makes you a fantastic partner?

Your spiritual wisdom and intuitive insights make you an amazing partner who brings a sense of magic and connection to the relationship.

You believe in soulmate connections and work towards building a true soulmate bond.

You don't give up just because of his shared custody drama, the too-long distance, or the 100% traveling job.

He can consider himself lucky that such a wise spiritual woman has his back in the day-to-day realms of life.

But being intuitive and spiritual comes with its own set of challenges…

Your challenges

You sometimes feel lost in the practical world when things don’t manifest as you've ordered from the universe.

As single:


The intense chemistry you feel at first sight often leads you to fall head over heels, but this usually ends in heartbreak down the road.


You sense the soulmate connection and the immense potential for a truly connected and spiritual relationship, so you invest everything in this potential. Sometimes, it blossoms into something real, but other times, it just fizzles away along with the man.


When you're out there dating and meeting new men, you're on the lookout for someone who's as spiritual as you are. If the candidate doesn't meet your spiritual vibe, well, too bad for him! You can't force a connection or attraction—it's gotta be cosmic!

In a relationship:


The connection you feel with your partner makes you super loyal—you're committed to this journey together, no matter how much reality keeps throwing curveballs your way. Sometimes, even when it hurts you emotionally, financially, or (worst case) physically, you stick it out because you believe in the power of your bond.


You feel and understand your man deeply, and your heart aches when he's going through a tough time, like shared custody fights or dealing with a new boss at work. You become a nurturing and supportive partner —the kind who's there for him through thick and thin, only to watch how the more you help, the more lazy and unromantic he becomes. Or worse, you discover on a late night that he's secretly texting other women.


And what's worse, you tend to escape into the spiritual reality while life happens here and now in 3D, trying to manifest the emotional connection and romance back…

And that leaves you…

Wondering, “Why are men not spiritual?”

Asking, “Where is my soulmate?”

Frustrated that, “We are twin flames, why is he not stepping up?”

In the back of your mind, you are thinking:

“Am I too spiritual for a relationship? Is there something wrong with me?”

But what this voice is actually trying to tell you:

“You deserve a relationship that feels magical and deeply connected.”

“There must be a true soulmate for you out there.”

The Way Forward:

Well… I’ve got great news!

As a Spiritual Goddess, you are halfway there!

Here is how:

As a Spiritual Goddess, you live in a world where soulmates and spiritual connections are everything.

But here's a little wisdom: two soulmates touch base in real life, but they aren't always meant to stay together forever. Sometimes, they are just teachers guiding us on the right path for our soul growth. (Hint: welcome to the right path.)

Picture it like this: each soulmate encounter is a stepping stone, helping you evolve and grow. Without these teachers, you might miss out on the lessons needed to achieve a truly happy relationship in this lifetime.

So, what I want you to take away is this:

The man you’re with is your true soulmate, a teacher who will help you hop on the fast track to love - with him or someone new.

Embrace the lessons and know that every step brings you closer to your desired relationship. It’s all part of the beautiful journey!

Food for Thought:

Are you a journalling, meditating, or a “contemplating in the car” type?

Either way, here are two great reflection prompts for you:

  1. Reflect on your last date or interaction with your partner. How did your spiritual beliefs shape that experience?

  2. Think about a challenging moment in your relationship. How did your spirituality help you navigate it?

Want to dive deeper?

Imagine if you could effortlessly draw your man closer, even if he's starting to pull away…

If this is what you’re looking for right now, the perfect next step is the Bring Him Closer Energetic Framework® - a course created specifically for Natural Leaders.

Because you just joined, I have a special welcome gift for you: 85% off for the next five days only.

Don’t miss this chance to transform your relationship dynamics and create a deeper connection.

Want to dive deeper?

Imagine effortlessly drawing your man closer in two weeks, even if he's starting to pull away…

If you’re looking to reignite his initiative confidently and authentically, the perfect next step is the Bring Him Closer Energetic Framework® - a course created specifically for Spiritual Goddesses just like you.

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Hi, I’m Juliana

f we haven’t met previously, I’m an energy healer and a certified master dating and relationship coach for women seeking a soulful connection.

As a fellow Spiritual Goddess, I understand the journey you're on.

And, I am a woman, just like you, searching for answers, reflecting on myself, and constantly looking to improve my love life and relationships.

Today, I have my dream relationship and have helped over 2,700 women find theirs.

But just a few short years ago, I was in the same place as you, watching men fizzle away while I was analyzing our birth chart compatibility and asking myself if I was “too much.”

Once I realized I had fallen into the spirituality trap, escaping practical reality, I learned to balance practicality with intuition and energy. This shift turned my love life around within weeks.

It feels exciting to help you leverage your strengths as a Spiritual Goddess and build a relationship that is truly worthy of your sensitive and loyal nature.

If you jump over to your inbox now, you’ll see your welcome 🎁 gift.

Want help reigniting

your relationship?

The Bring Him Closer Energetic Framework® is the perfect next step for you - quick, easy and it works right away!