What If You Could Instantly and Effortlessly Draw Your Man Closer, Even If He's Starting to Pull Away?
Eliminate Overthinking and Uncertainty, and Reignite His Commitment in Two Weeks or Less Without Games or Tricks (Seriously).
Here is the thing….
You’re a smart, accomplished woman with a fulfilling career, vibrant hobbies, and wonderful friends and family. You’re working on yourself, always striving to be your best self.
Then you met this amazing man and felt this one-of-a-kind special connection.
Life seemed perfect for a while, but now, there’s a huge problem…
He chased you at first, but now you feel him getting distant.
Maybe he sends mixed signals, acts avoidant, or stopped making plans.
Maybe he said he was “too busy” or “not sure.”
Or, he said, he just wanted to hook up and “see where things go,” or even worse, “stay just friends.”
And it is not a lack of effort on your part:
You try a heart-to-heart talk, but he either brushes it off, gets mad, or disappears completely.
You pull back, hoping he’ll step up, but he doesn’t.
You follow advice from social media and friends, but nothing works because he doesn’t respond as expected.
You wait, hoping he’ll change into your prince, but he doesn’t.
You set boundaries and it gives you a sense of control, but it doesn't lead to the happy relationship you deserve.
It’s not your fault... You’ve tried your best with what you know.
But let's face reality...
The harder you try, the more he pulls back, leaving you confused and lost because nothing seems to work.
You sense that if you don’t do something to draw him to you right now, in a few weeks, he may be gone.
And the worst part?
Deep down, you hoped for a soulmate relationship with him - the type of connection where you feel safe, loved, and supported.
Hey gorgeous,
I’ve been there and I know how it feels.
If we haven’t met yet, I’m Juliana. I’m an energy healer and a certified master dating and relationship coach for women seeking commitment.
Today, I have my dream relationship and have shown over 2,700 women how to improve theirs.
But just a few short years ago, I was in the same place as you, dreaming of love and patiently waiting for men to see my value.
But really, this only happened because I started applying a three-pillar energetic framework to effortlessly and instantly draw a man closer.
The secret sauce
of attracting a man, making him fall for you, and keeping him forever is not your looks.
It is not what you say or what you do.
It is the ENERGY EXCHANGE between the two of you.
And I think it’s about time I shared this secret sauce with you, so you can:
Make him MISS YOU if he pulls back after being affectionate and attentive.
Inspire him to ASK YOU OUT in the talking stage.
Make him CHASE YOU in the talking stage.
Make him WANT TO SEE YOU again on a first date.
Make him FALL FOR YOU in the dating stage.
Keep him INTERESTED in a long-distance relationship.
Bring back the romance and FIRE UP intimacy in your relationship.
… So you become a man-magnet and build a relationship where you feel loved, adored, cared for, and secure daily.
Join over 2700 women like you:

Bring Him Closer Energetic Framework®
A 5-part video training including an e-book transcript and a workbook with journalling and reflection that helps you instantly flip things and receive his attention and affection at any point of the love journey: matching, talking, dating, or relationship.
UNLIKE other dating and relationship advice, it gives you a new and unique energetic approach to attracting a man, making him fall for you, and keeping him in for the long term.
Most importantly, it gives you a crystal-clear understanding of WHY he is pulling back and easy-to-apply tools to maintain a strong connection, even in challenging times.
My promise:
If you are in regular contact with your man and stick to the framework, you'll feel the difference with your man practically overnight.

Being magnetising to men without doing or saying much.
Feeling calm and confident even when he gives mixed signals.
Turning it around when he pulls away (or moving away with ease and grace).
Him taking the steps he should in the love journey—without you having to push or "have the talk" .
So you never again have to
Worry about if or when he would call you.
Question if he is really into you.
Feel confused about where things are going.
Talking things out, BUT this was only pushing HIM away even more.
Pulling back in return, BUT things got even worse.
Waiting for a little more for him to change and become your prince, BUT time passed, and nothing changed.
Taking advice from social media experts and friends, BUT all you got from saying and texting him those magic words was a bad reaction.
Cutting things off when he is not committing, BUT your heart is still set on him.
I get how it feels because I’ve been there.
I was not lacking interest. At work, at the gym, and on the apps, men were chasing me.
But after I fell for them, they started to pull back.
Some disappeared, and others got super passive, although, in the beginning, they were doing all the calling and initiating.
They were not very responsive when I was texting and calling and suggesting dates.
I was confused, and, at times, I even thought something must be wrong with me.
At some point, I got over them and moved on, enjoyed my life and met a new man.
And the cycle repeated itself.
I didn't want to play games, match their energy or strategize, and I was clueless about getting a steady man and having great chemistry in a natural way without him becoming distant and eventually pulling away.
I discovered a brand new way to draw a man to me and have the relationship I wanted without having to worry that he might pull back eventually.
My life changed forever.
I manifested my future husband and a relationship where I felt loved and adored, safe and secure from day one.

I can help you flip things and draw your man closer in a way that feels effortless.
“Juliana, I need to thank you! My husband and I were on the brink of divorce. After doing your course today, it's the first time in 4 months we've spoken without arguing. Today is a day filled with love and peace!”
“Thank you so much!! I never liked going completely noncontact because that always felt like playing games. But this new way you have taught me feels more like the adult way of dating. In this short time, you have already shown me how I can change for the better.”
“For the first time in my life I feel like I am standing for myself. And this feels good. I feel my bravery is groing in tiny steps every day.”
The Bring Him Closer Energetic Framework® helps you instantly flip things and bring him closer at any point in the love journey: matching, talking, dating, or a relationship.
UNLIKE other dating and relationship advice gives you a new and unique energetic framework for attracting a man, making him fall for you, and keeping him in the long term.
Pillar #1: Your Energy
You´ll get the exact steps to shift your energy to become and stay magnetizing for him. We will dive into:
✓ The single reason why men pull away.
✓ The feminine and masculine energetic principles so you can quickly and easily draw him to you.
✓ The three types of male behavior and how to shift things before it gets too late.
Pillar #2: Compelling Communication
We will dive into the secret communication principles so you can:
✓ Express yourself in your own energy and pull him closer instead of watching him drift apart.
✓ The secret formula how to STOP pushing him away.
✓ Do´s & Dont´s to spark interest and get his attention.
Pillar #3: Energetically Aligned Style & Appearance
Discover the eye-opening truth about what really matters & stop worrying about your looks. We´ll dive into:
✓ Which essentials to focus on and forget about the rest.
✓ The only body language tool you need to draw a man to you instantly.
✓ How to boost your appearance with just a few simple energetic shifts, so you feel great about it.
And, I promise, no “Wear pumps and show your curves” type of advice here!
Darling, as I said earlier, I’ve been there and know how you feel…
Your mind is still thinking over every little aspect:
"Will it work in my situation?"
"Should I stay or move on?"
“Is he worth the effort?”
“What are my next steps?”
"But I don't like games!"
“I’ve been wounded so often before."
“But I’ve struggled to set boundaries all my life…”
“What if it's too late?”
I get it and want to help you calm those racing thoughts.
That’s why I’ve included seven extra gifts just for you.

+ 7 Bonus Gifts
FREE extras so you have everything you need to navigate your situation best:
“What To Do When” CASE STUDY Workshop
With this “What To Do When” CASE STUDY pre-recorded workshop ($197 worth), you'll know how to apply the Framework at every stage of the love journey and kickstart your journey to building your dream relationship. We will dive into:
✓ Matching Stage: Make Him Notice You (Online dating & in life)
✓ Talking Stage: Make Him Chase You & Fall For You
✓ Relationship & Marriage: Keep Him Forever Yours & Spice Up The Romance
✓ Long Distance: Make Things Work In Long Distance
✓ Ex Back: Bring A Good Man Back
Clarity Call with our Happy Ever After Team
A complimentary 40-minute calu with my experienced team to help you and guide you from confusion to clarity:
✓ We'll walk you through my exclusive Happy Ever After Clarity Framework, helping you gain a fresh perspective on your situation.
✓ You'll walk away feeling calmer, crystal clear, and motivated to take the steps toward your own happily ever after.
✓ Plus, you'll get a simple plan to unlock a greater connection and emotional safety in your relationship without staying stuck in the “Should I stay or move on” limbo any longer.
“Is He Worth It?” Evaluation Worksheet
With this journalling worksheet, I´ll show you how I help my private VIP clients evaluate if a man is worth their effort. Comes with a 5-minute introduction video on how to apply it for best results.
No-More-Games Plan
Let me show you why tips and tricks like the „no-contact rule“ or „match his energy“ are BS and what you can do instead to draw him to you.
Your Insurance Against Heartbreak
I know what it feels like, and I’ll show you a proven formula for feeling emotionally safe while drawing him to you.
New & Unconventional Boundary Setting That Works
In the Secret Formula, you’ll learn in just 20 minutes a new and unconventional way to express your boundaries without pushing a man away.
Three-Step Plan To Bring Him Back
Indeed, women sometimes wait too long to take action. So, if he says “no” to you before you start applying the tools, I have a three-step plan to inspire him to return.
✓Inside, I'll show you how the chain of events that pushed a man away to the point of breakup.
✓The secrets to effortlessly attracting him back in 12 weeks or less, all without anxiety, overthinking, or more ineffective strategies.
“I´ve got tons of valuable tips and step-by-step instructions on how to talk to men. And… I´ve got results already after just a week! This weekend, I am having coffee with a new man! I recommend the Bring Him Closer Energetic Framework to everyone! You can get information that can change your life for a small fee!”
— Elena
"I've been swiping online for a good while now, and I've been disappointed so often that I was a little skeptical about how it can be possible to have a positive experience with men. I realized it was not the men who were terrible. It was me who was not communicating in a good way. Juliana's method is super simple and easy to apply."
— Inna
Let's summarize everything that's included:
Value: $497
BONUS: “What To Do When” CASE STUDY Workshop
Value: $197
BONUS: Clarity Call with our Happy Ever After Team
Value: $150
BONUS: “Is He Worth It?” Evaluation
Value: $47
BONUS: The Untold No-More-Games Plan
Value: $47
BONUS: Your Insurance Against Heart-Break
Value: $57
BONUS: New & Unconventional Boundary Formula
Value: $77
BONUS: Three-Step Plan to Bring Your Ex Back
Value: $97
Total Value: $ 1.169
*Plus VAT if applicable

I don’t just teach others how to shift their energy and words to manifest their dream relationship;
I’ve done it myself. After 17 years of relationship disasters, today, I am successfully navigating a happy, steady marriage—something that would never have worked out if I hadn’t created and followed my method.
This exact method is the first step I take with my VIP clients to help them attract someone special after years of being single, shift from mixed signals to steadiness, or even reconnect after months of not speaking.
I’m not just repeating what every other expert says. The Bring Him Closer Energetic Framework® is my signature method, developed after years and hundreds of hours of 1-on-1 coaching.
This holistic approach is both practical and spiritual, and over 2,700 women have had the chance to transform their love lives with this framework in the past three years.
I can help you effortlessly draw him closer at any point of the love journey using only the power of your energy - and without games or gimmicks.
Just know that whatever you want is within your reach right now…
✔️ You’re tired of advice that tells you what to do without explaining why, like “Text him this” or “Manifest a call.” You know there’s more to it.
✔️ You want to attract and keep the right man in an EASY and NATURAL way.
✔️ You want to be honest and create a deep emotional connection with a man.
✔️ You see that his pulling away is a pattern, and you’re ready to break it to build the lasting relationship you deserve.
✖️ You prefer manipulative tricks to attract a man.
✖️ You’re unwilling to try a new approach and stick to it for at least 14 days but prefer to stay where you are.
✖️ You rely solely on free online advice, even though you know it’s just the tip of the iceberg.
✖️ You want to get the man no matter what and refuse to recognize or break your repeating patterns.
I’m a woman looking for happiness just like you. I understand the risk you feel when deciding to invest in a digital product. You work hard for your money and don’t want to waste it on something that doesn’t get results.
I’m extremely proud of the products I create and I know anyone who buys them and implements will be thrilled with their purchase.
That’s why I’m offering a 30-day money back guarantee. While I can’t guarantee that this product will get you a relationship, I can guarantee your satisfaction with its quality.
Please watch the course, try out the methods, and, if you’re not happy with the course, I will refund your money within 30 days of your purchase.
When you click the button below, you’ll be brought to a checkout page where you can enter your payment information.
“For the first time in my life I feel like I am standing for myself. And this feels good. I feel my bravery is groing in tiny steps every day.”
"I realised I wanted to break the cycle and get my ‘happy ever after’. I no longer have those moments of deep despair I used to have, and I am not ‘leaving the field!”
“I am getting support to become better in feeling, being more a woman than a machine, having less stress on my performance with men, and having less judgment on myself.”
“I am noticing a change in the way the men behave with me. And I am way more relaxed about a first coffee with a man. The last time the waitress brought the bill, he immediately grabbed the bill and said he would like to settle it. I couldn’t believe my eyes!”
“I feel so encouraged and supported. The transformation for me is quite astonishing, timely and long overdue.”
“Juliana is a naturally talented and skilled coach. She has a raw and powerful intuition which allows her to see right to the core of what’s happening. This, balanced with Juliana’s warmth and softness, gets amazing and long reaching results. I can’t recommend Juliana highly enough."
Hi, I’m Juliana
I am a certified dating and relationship master coach, spiritual mentor & energy healer, former corporate senior, and a mom of two boys.
I'm here to hold your hand as way more than just a regular love coach. I'm here to teach and empower you to build the love life you've always dreamed of.
With over a decade of experience and a heart full of compassion, I've had the privilege of touching the hearts and minds of over 4000 women from 20+ countries in different capacities.
Certified in the art of dating and relationships? Yes, indeed.
Contributing as an instructor in a certification program for fellow coaches? That's true as well.
Contributing as an expert columnist in magazines? Yes and loving it!
Channeling between the realms? Yes! But I prefer to teach you to do it yourself.
And, I am a woman, just like you, searching for answers, reflecting on myself and constantly looking to improve my love life and my relationship.
After spending over 15 years alone or in bad relationships, I learned how frustrating it can feel to meet men but not be able to settle down.
Over time, I've learned how to attract the right men who were looking for a happy and steady long-term relationship as I was.
It feels exciting to help you do the same. I want to share my Bring Him Closer Energetic Framework® that has helped already over 2700 women around the world.
Bring Him Closer Energetic Framework® works best when you are in touch. If you broke up, but you are still talking, I would give it a go as it can improve your connection.
I have seen so many couples coming back together when the women took accountability on their end and started implementing a new approach.
Plus I have a bonus that goes with the course “Three Step Plan to Attract Your Man Back”.
Yes, it is. Reconnecting with a long-term partner is actually much easier than with someone you’ve only been on two dates with.
When you apply the energetic principles I’ll teach you in the masterclass, you will spice up the romance and see your man coming closer to you emotionally too.
All you need to do is watch & try out the tools I´ll show you. They always work.
You will get hands-on experience and a detailed understanding of the energy balance between a man and a woman. This will help you become magnetizing for him and bring him closer on any stage in the love journey.
I understand your concern, and it’s completely natural to feel this way. The principles I teach have been proven to work for over 2,700 women.
The key is to implement the tools, do the 14-day challenge that is inside and stay committed and open-minded as you apply them.
Many women who have felt the same way initially have experienced significant changes by fully embracing the process.
Remember, transformation takes consistency. Ultimately, you are the creator of your life. By taking control and applying these principles, you have the power to build the relationship you deserve - with this current man or someone new in future.
Nope. It is all about you feeling yourself and tapping into your intuition in the first place. And it is about the soul-to-soul connection with a man.
After purchase, you will be redirected to the learning platform where you can access the materials.
In addition, within 15 minutes of purchase, you´ll receive it to your email address. So please check your spam or junk folders. Of course, you can always write to office@julianajoycoaching.com, and we will help you out.
I understand how it feels to want something badly and not be sure if it will ever happen.
I offer 1-1 and group coaching, where I help my clients transition throughout this uncertain stage.
If you feel you need my support, contact me anytime at office@julianajoycoaching.com for more information.
I stand by my 100% money-back guarantee within 30 days of purchase. Send me an email at office@julianajoycoaching.com, and you´ll receive a full refund within 48 hours.
What’s standing in the way
Of you finally unlocking the secrets to effortlessly draw your man closer (even if you feel him pulling away) so that you can take the first step toward building the steady and safe relationship you deserve?
I know how hard it can be to find a man you feel a special connection with and, once you have met him, how many things can go wrong afterward.
That's why I prepared this Masterclass to help you shift from the core instead of floating on the surface and wondering why this man is not doing what he is supposed to do or even pulling back.
And if you still have some questions…