Free E-Book:

Solve Your Work Issues In Three Easy Steps

Inside You Will Learn How To:

  • Shift into effortless productivity

  • Turn disagreements into opportunities for collaboration and harmony

  • Gain the acknowledgment and validation you deserve without constantly fighting for it

  • Exit your workday feeling revitalized and ready to enjoy your personal time to the fullest

Hi! I am Juliana

What If You Could Feel Both Relaxed And Successful In Your Career AND Loved, Taken Care Of And Adored In Your Romantic Life? 

I am both a trained Dating and Relationship Coach and a senior manager in a multinational corporation.

I turned around both my relationship and my work situation with just a handful of simple tools.  When I use them, I feel like I am doing nothing. And yet, the results are astonishing! In my work back then I was leading experienced managers in the tech industry, both male and female, some of them significantly older than me. 

I was fighting in conflict situations all day long, and I was coming home feeling drained. 

I was on the edge of emotional burnout, feeling like all my colleagues AND my team were against me.

And I was very close to being demoted.

At the same time, my romantic life felt like a disaster. 

I repeatedly got involved with guys who didn’t show me love, didn’t support me, didn’t give me affection, and I was feeling sad, lonely and desperate most of the time. 

Once I stopped doing what I normally used to do and unlocked my feminine energy way of being, things started to change for me.

In fact, things changed radically in zero time!

It took me just a month to win my team and my colleagues back. 

And I achieved that with doing JUST THREE things differently. 

The same tools I used in business worked for me in my relationship as well.

I found myself feeling happy, fulfilled and having a great guy that is stepping up for me in every way.

If I Managed To Save My Career And Transform My Romantic Life, You Can Do That Too!

I feel excited to share with you the tools that worked for me and I put them together into a FREE E-Book just for you!

No Matter How Desperate, Angry Or Helpless You Feel Right Now, You CAN Turn Things Around Quickly.

You Can Be Both Feminine And Successful In Your Career.